
Hornsea cookie jar

When going to London, do visit Old Spitalfields Market. If you‘re a vintage vulture like me, Thursday is probably your best day. It definitely was for me. I’m now the proud owner of a cookie jar made by Hornsea Pottery and I'm ...


On my way to serenity

It’s the night before King's Day (formerly Queen's Day) and there‘s a certain tension in the air. Since my favorite colour is orange you might think I would be out and about fully dressed in this perfect colour with a fitting crown. But alas, ...

Villa ArenA

Ben is 78 jaar en de oudste verkoper van Villa Arena. Een oude rot in het vak die zijn passie voor meubels nooit is kwijtgeraakt. Hij zit al ruim vijftig jaar in de meubelbranche, heeft eigen winkels gehad maar doet het nu rustig aan bij ...

A nice cup of sun

My heartmate brought back some sun for me from London. To be more exact: Wedgwood Stonehenge Midwinter Sun. Five of them. I have a feeling our new cabinet to store my entire collection of vintage goodies can’t be postponed any longer. Meanwhile ...