De Bijbel in 1001 blokjes | Brendan Powell Smith

De Bijbel in 1001 blokjes

Hij is er: de Nederlandse vertaling van de Bijbel in 1001 blokjes. Hoewel ik geen LEGO®- of religieus fanaat ben maar wel een liefhebber van Deens design, moet ik dit wonderlijke stripverhaal toch even onder je aandacht brengen. Het is ...

Hair trends

Hair trends for spring 2015

Looking at the hair trends for spring 2015, I do get envious sometimes. And we’re talking about hair trends for men, just so you know. I even have recurrent dreams about my new hairdo. Strange, I wonder what that is about? I just turned 45, ...


Besides staying in a great hotel, there is plenty more to see in Copenhagen. So I decided to make a second post about the city of Vikings. We got lucky with a sunny day and spend the entire day outdoors. Well, almost the entire day. We came across ...